1. Procurement (จัดซื้อ)
• Product Sourcing Ask for a price while comparing and negotiating with sellers. Service providers and evaluate new vendors for general procurement.
• Prepare PR/PO and send PO to vendor. Service providers and track goods and services delivered on schedule.
• Prepare vendor records Service providers and organizers to account systems (adding, editing, evaluating, etc.)
• Review invoices, tax invoices, receipts, and document drawdowns.
• Document petty cash disbursements.
• Check the price of the company's stationery equipment and process the order.
• Prepare a non-conflict of interest confirmation form for all employees to sign and store.
• Maintain the storage and recording of various documents of the procurement company.
2. Administrative tasks (งานธุรการ)
• In-ordering, disbursing, and controlling the stock of stationery, home medicines. Office supplies and preparation of usage reports, as well as supervising the office maid.
• Support various company activities such as New Year's parties, color sports, annual travel, quarterly parties, and other company activities.
• Prepare office supplies for new employees
3. Other tasks (งานอื่นๆ ที่ได้รับมอบหมาย)
a. Record reimbursement information such as telephone bills, fuel costs, receptions, etc.
b. Update the employee's phone number database.
c. Provide a visiting basket.
d. Control the stock of annual New Year's gifts.
e. Prepare meeting rooms and equipment to be ready to use.